In the Sky This Month – August 2009

This feature highlights a number of meteor showers, comets and asteroids which are visible during the month of August 2009. The big attraction this month is brilliant Jupiter, visible in the southeast sky during the evening, and the Perseid meteor shower.

Note: If anyone has pictures or observations of these objects/events and want to share them, send me a comment. I’ll post them here.


Mercury – Mercury is in the midst of a poor evening apparition for northern hemisphere observers. In contrast, southern hemisphere observers will see a great display. Mercury will appear as bright as some of the brightest stars low in the western sky during evening twilight. Only folks with clear views of the horizon have a chance at seeing it. Don’t worry if you can’t, this is Mercury’s worst apparition for northerners and there will be better opportunities.

Aug 2 – Mercury and 1st magnitude star Regulus are within 0.6° of each other
Aug 17 – Mercury and Saturn within 3° of each other
Aug 22 – Moon passes 3° from Mercury

Saturn – This is the last month to see Saturn in the evening sky this year and the last chance to see it at all until November when it will be a morning object. Saturn is located low in the Western sky during twilight. At magnitude +1.1, it is not much brighter than some of the brightest stars in that part of the sky.

For those of you with access to telescopes, you will see that its rings are barely open and almost edge-on. This is the narrowest the rings will appear from Earth for the next 15 years. Though the rings are over 70,000 kilometers (43,500 miles) wide, they are only 10 meters (33 feet) thick. Since the rings are seen edge, or width, on during ring plane crossings, they can actually appear to disappear in most telescopes. The last time this happened was in 1995. This year the crossing happens on Sept 4 when Saturn is too close to the Sun to be observed. Still, the rings will appear very narrow and line-like this month.

Aug 17 – Saturn and Mercury within 3° of each other
Aug 22 – Thin crescent Moon within 6° of Saturn

Jupiter and Neptune -Jupiter is the planet highlight of the month. Based on the comments left on this blog, many people have been noticing Jupiter in the southeast sky during the evening. At magnitude -2.8, Jupiter is ~13 times brighter than the brightest stars in the sky this month. Of all the planets, only Venus, and on very rare occasions Mars, are brighter.

Jupiter rises during evening twilight and is highest in the sky aaround midnight. Due to Jupiter’s location in the southern constellation of Capricornus , it never gets very high this year.

For those with a telescope or binoculars and a dark sky, Neptune is located within 1/2 to 3/4 degrees of Jupiter. Jupiter will be a bright magnitude -2.8 while Neptune will be a faint +7.8. That makes Jupiter over ~17,000 times brighter than Neptune. Even Jupiter’s 4 large Galilean moons are about a dozen times brighter than Neptune even though they are much smaller. The big reason for the faintness of Neptune is its distance from both the Earth and Sun. It is roughly 6 times further away from us and the Sun as Jupiter. The distance also explains its apparent small size of 2.3″. A good sized telescope will be required to see Neptune as anything other than a faint star.

Image of Jupiter by Bob Lunsford from early May 2009. Note one of its moons near the left edge.

Though Neptune wasn’t discovered until 1846, it was actually observed by Galileo on two occasions in 1612 and 1613. Similar to this month’s circumstances, Jupiter was passing very close to Neptune. Galileo observed and recorded Neptune as a star in the vicinity of Jupiter. There is also evidence that he noticed that Neptune had moved but didn’t follow up on it. So when you observe these 2 planets imagine what Galileo must have been thinking nearly 400 years ago.

Aug 6 – Full Moon passes within 3° of Jupiter and Neptune
Aug 14
– Jupiter at opposition (meaning Jupiter is closest to Earth, at its brightest for the year and visible all night long)
Aug 17 – Neptune at opposition

Uranus – Uranus is located in western Pisces. It is bright enough to be seen in small binoculars at magnitude +5.8 but will still require a telescope in order to see it as anything other than a star (it’s disk is only 3.5″ across).

Aug 9 – Moon within 5° of Uranus

Mars – Many of you may have received an email or read stories about how Mars is going to be big and bright this month. Some stories suggest that it will rival the Full Moon in size. Well, it’s all bull. This story has been circulating around the internet every year since August of 2003 when Mars did have a closer than usual (but not unusual) approach to Earth. For some reason the email story gets re-circulated every year with only the year changed. Also note that the email was never factual. Even in August of 2003, Mars never got as bright as the Moon. It did get as bright as it ever gets which is a little brighter than Jupiter appears this month.

Mars can be seen in the eastern sky a few hours before sunrise. It rises between 1 and 1:30 am all month long though it won’t get high enough to clear most trees and building till about 3 am. At magnitude +1.1, its brightness matches those of many of the bright stars in the 2 constellations it is moving through this month, Taurus and Gemini.

Aug 16 – Moon within 3° of Mars

Venus – Venus continues to slowly climb higher every night. It is currently a morning object and is best seen an hour before sunrise low in the eastern sky. For Southern Hemisphere observers, it has already peaked for this apparition and is slowly dropping back towards the horizon. For Northern observers, Venus will continue to climb higher until early August. It rises between 3am and 4am for most observers though it will be low in the eastern sky the while time. For binocular and telescope users, Venus is now in a gibbous phase (between half and full) and is slowly shrinking as it moves further away from Earth.

Aug 17 – Moon within 2° of Venus


August is one of the best months for meteor activity. The year is usually split in 2 with January through June having low rates with few major showers while July through December (really through the 1st week of January) have high rates with many major showers.

Sporadic Meteors

Sporadic meteors are not part of any known meteor shower. They represent the background flux of meteors. Except for the few days per year when a major shower is active, most meteors that are observed are Sporadics. This is especially true for meteors observed during the evening. During August, 12 or so Sporadic meteors can be observed per hour from a dark moonless sky.

Major Meteor Showers

Perseids (PER) [Date range = July 17 – Aug 24, Max = Aug 12]

The Perseids are one of the best meteor showers of the year and rarely disappoint. This year’s display will bring a mixed bag. On one hand, the Moon will be nearly full and poorly placed. The Moon’s bright light will drown out many of the fainter Perseids bringing the number of visible meteors down significantly. On the other hand, there are predictions that this years’s display will be richer than usual. Meteor stream models predict increased rates around 0800 and 0900 UT on the morning of August 12 (4:00-5:00 EDT, 1:00-2:00 am PDT). The reason is a ribbon, or filament, of dust produced by the Perseid parent Comet Swift-Tuttle in 1610. Some predictions are calling for a ZHR rates of 200 which is twice as good as the usual rates of 60-120. Of course, those rates are only valid for a very dark sky with no Moon. Still rates of 30 per hour may be possible for many non-urban locations.

Minor Meteor Showers

Minor showers produce so few meteors that they are hard to notice above the background of regular meteors.

Southern δ-Aquarids (SDA) [Date range = July 12 – Aug 19, Max = July 28]

The Southern δ-Aquarid shower peaked in late July. There should still be significant activity from this shower in early August. By the middle of the month, all activity should be over. They are part of the Machholz complex of asteroids, comets and meteor showers that are the result of the breakup of a single comet into hundreds of smaller objects over the past thousands of years. The complex includes comet 96P/Machholz, the suspected extinct comet 2003 EH1, hundreds of Marsden and Kracht group comets, and the Quadrantid and Arietid meteor showers.

It is the comets of the Marsden group that are directly resposible for the SDA shower. These small comets have never been observed from Earth. There are only seen by spacecraft that can observe very close to the Sun. Due to the very small perihelion distance of these comets (~0.05 AU) they only get bright enough to be discovered when close to the Sun. Currently there are ~33 comets that are known to be members of the Marsden group.

The shower radiates from RA = 22h 36m, Dec = -16 deg.

Piscis Austrinids (PAU) [Date range = July 15 – Aug 10, Max = July 27]

This shower of unknown parentage is a difficult one for northern observers due to the southern location of its radiant (RA = 22h 44m, Dec = -30deg). Similar to the SDAs and the CAPs below, it is active from mid-July to mid-August with a maximum around July 27. At maximum one can expect 2-4 meteors per hour from a dark site. Rates will be even lower for northern observers.

α-Capricornids (CAP) [Date range = July 3 – Aug 15, Max = July 29]

The CAP is yet another southern shower (RA = 20h 28m, Dec = -10 deg) that is difficult to observe from northern latitudes. With a peak on July 29, it can be expected to produce 3-6 meteors per hour. Unlike the PAUs, the CAPs appear to be associated with a known comet, 169P/NEAT.


Naked Eye Comets (V < 6.0)


Binocular Comets (V = 6.0 – 8.0)


Small Telescope Comets (V = 8.0 – 10.0)

Comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen)

This comet was discovered over 2 years ago on 2006 November 18 by Eric Christensen of the Catalina Sky Survey north of Tucson. At the time the comet was located at 8.7 AU from the Sun which is nearly the distance of Saturn. The comet continues to move closer to the Sun and Earth and is currently 3.8 AU from the Sun and 3.4 AU from the Earth.

The comet is currently around magnitude 8.2 and should be at its brightest this month.  It is moving southeast while paralleling the summer Milky Way. This month the comet will travel through the constellations of Vulpecula, Sagitta and Aquilia. The comet is best seen after 10 pm.

The comet reached perihelion at a rather distant 3.12 AU from the Sun on 2009 July 6. Becuase of its large perihelion distance, the comet will only slowly move away from the Sun and though it will slowly fade from here on out it should remain bright enough to be seen in modest sized backyard telescopes for all of 2009.

A finder chart for Comet Christensen can be found at Comet Chasing and Aktuelle Kometen (in German).

A nice collection of images can be found at the VdS-Fachgruppe Kometen (Comet Section of Germany) and Seiichi Yoshida’s Comet Homepage.

Comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd)

This is the surprise comet of the summer. From time to time what appears to be a faint run-of-the-mill comet will undergo an outburst and brighten substantially. This is the case with Comet Garradd which was discovered by Gordon Garradd of the Siding Spring Survey (Australia). He used the 0.5-m Uppsala schmidt telescope to discover this comet back on 2008 August 27.

The comet was a faint 19th magnitude at discovery. With perihelion expected on 2009 June 23 at 1.80 AU from the Sun, it was expected to brighten but only to about 12th-14th magnitude. Two weeks ago the comet was sitting at 15th magnitude. Bright enough for CCD imaging but too faint for nearly all visual observers. On April 20th Micheal Jager imaged the comet and found it too be much brighter. Over the next few days, visual observers were able to confirm the outburst and estimated the comet to be as bright as magnitude 8.9.

With perihelion in June, the comet is in full retreat from the Earth and Sun and has faded to 9th magnitude. The comet is slowly moving through western Virgo low in the western sky after evening twilight. This will be the last month to see the comet as it sinks into the twilight sky.

A finder chart for Comet Garradd can be found at Comet Chasing.

A nice collection of images can be found at the VdS-Fachgruppe Kometen (Comet Section of Germany) and Seiichi Yoshida’s Comet Homepage.

Comet C/2008 T2 (Cardinal)

Rob Cardinal, an astronomer at the University of Calgary in Canada, discovered this comet last October. The comet was discovered as part of a survey at  the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory for new Near-Earth asteroids at high declinations. In fact the comet was found within 10 degrees of the North celestial pole. At the time of discovery, the comet was ~14th magnitude.

At perihelion on June 13th, the comet passed within 1.20 AU of the Sun. The comet can only be seen from the Southern Hemisphere as it is located south of the Sun. The comet is currently magnitude 9.0 to 10.0 as it moves southeast from Antilia to Vela and Centaurus in the evening sky. It is too bad the comet is located so far from Earth. At a distance of 1.8 AU from Earth, it is located on the other side of the Sun. If this comet has approached as close as Comet Lulin (0.4 AU) did, Comet Cardinal would be shining at 5th magnitude and be visible to the naked eye from dark locations.

A finder chart for Comet Cardinal can be found at Comet Chasing.

A nice collection of images can be found at the VdS-Fachgruppe Kometen (Comet Section of Germany) and Seiichi Yoshida’s Comet Homepage.


All of the above comets are long-period comets which will not return to the inner Solar System for thousands to millions of years. Comet Kopff is a frequent visitor with an orbital period of 6.4 years. Discovered on 1906 August 20 by August Kopff of Germany, the comet has been observed during every subsequent return except one.

The comet reached perihelion at 1.58 AU from the Sun on May 25. Though now moving away from the Sun, the comet still moving closer to Earth and will be located 0.78 AU from us at the end of the month. Recent observations place the comet at magnitude 9.5 which is about as bright as it will get this apparition. The comet spends August in Aquarius.

A finder chart for Comet Kopff can be found at Comet Chasing.

A nice collection of images can be found at the VdS-Fachgruppe Kometen (Comet Section of Germany) and Seiichi Yoshida’s Comet Homepage.


Binocular and Small Telescope Asteroids (V < 10.0)

(3) Juno

Juno was the 3rd asteroid to be discovered after (1) Ceres and (2) Pallas. It was found by German astronomer Karl Harding on September 1, 1804. With dimensions of 320×267×200 km (192 x 160 x 120 miles) Juno ranks as the 10th largest asteroid in the Main Belt though it is the 2nd largest stony S-type asteroid.

This month it will be moving slowly eastward through Pisces while brightening from magnitude 9.0 to 8.2. Peak brightness will come at opposition on Sept. 22 when Juno will be as bright as magnitude 7.6. A few degrees to the eats of Juno is another bright asteroid, (18) Melpomene which is described in its own section.

A finder chart (needs to be flipped upside down for Northern Hemisphere observers) can be found at the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Finder chart for Juno from Heavens Above.

(7) Iris

Iris is an inner Main-Belt asteroid that can occasionally get as bright as any asteroid. This year, Iris did not get as bright but still become a binocular object (albeit a difficult one) at opposition on July 4 at magnitude 8.7. During August, it is located in the constellation of Sagittarius at magnitude 9.3 at the start of the month and magnitude 9.8 at the end.

With a size of 240 x 200 x 200 km, Iris is the 5th largest stoney S-type asteroid. It was discovered in 1847 by John Russel Hind, the 1st of 10 asteroids he discovered.

A finder chart (needs to be flipped upside down for Northern Hemisphere observers) can be found at the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Finder chart for Iris from Heavens Above.

(18) Melpomene

Just a few degrees to the east of (3) Juno lies another nice asteroid target for small telescopes. (18) Melpomene is also located in the constellation of Pisces and is only a little bit fainter than Juno, brightening from magnitude  9.4 to 8.7 in August.

Melpomene is another stoney S-type asteroid and similar to Iris was also discovered by John Russel Hind. Found in 1852, it is his 5th of 10 asteroid discoveries.

A finder chart (needs to be flipped upside down for Northern Hemisphere observers) can be found at the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Finder chart for Iris from Heavens Above.


  1. took my kiddo outside for about 15 minutes from 2am to 2:15am just now on august 12 in an urban area in oklahoma, and i know that i counted at the very lest 20 streaks- even with the annoying moon to the east and we had to jump online to discover what that huge star in the south was- and your site told us- it’s jupiter!

    1. I live in Sargent, Nebr. I was having trouble trying to go to sleep. About 2 pm Wed. morning Aug. 12, I got up to get a drink of water. The moon was bright, even through some clouds, so I went to the back door to inhale some fresh cool air and stood there awhile. All of sudden out of the north a bright object went past the moon so fast I couldn’t believe anything could go that fast.
      It was later I realized it was the comet I heard about on the radio the day before. I didn’t have my glasses on so I couldn’t see a tail or anything else.

  2. Thanks for all the information. I had a feeling that bright “star” was Jupiter. Can’t wait to aim my tiny telescope at it. Saw some nice meteors on August 13 late in the evening. One in particular had a long streak and then ended with a flash, like one of those fireworks that is white with a boom at the end instead of a big explosion of colors. Best one I ever saw. I am going to go comet and asteroid hunting tonight with this info. THANKS!

  3. what was the degree in august 2009 of all the days????? im doing a moonlog for work and i am cheating by searching on the internet!!! ur information isnt the one i wanted dont ot it in the wrong category

  4. Thanks for the info on Jupiter. I have seen the brightness all month and had a great deal of trouble finding out what planet I had been admiring.

  5. Last night (August 24, 2009), my husband and I were in our hot tub (Mountain Top, PA). We couldn’t believe our eyes. There were bright white lights flying in the sky. Flew right over our house and just disappeared. Looked like a firework. But no noise.

    Then another one. Then I saw my first ever shooting star. It was different from the first two. This wasn’t as bright, and it had a trail behind it. If I were a doubter, I would say they were fireworks. But these definitely were not fireworks.

    Before seeing these three, I was looking up in the sky, and normally planes go right to left, at a slow pace…….this was different…..I saw what looked like a “Lit up cloud”, it went left to right, and it went real fast…………so fast that I couldn’t even figure out what it was….It kind of looked like a spotlight shining in the sky. But it never came back, and there is nothing going on up here, that has a spotlight shining in the sky………….

    Can anyone tell me, what we were possibly seeing in the sky last night?
    I would really appreciate any information.

    1. heey, on august 24th, me and my boyfriend saw the same thing but only one, at first we though it was a firework but it wasnt

      it was bright witjh like flames behind it and a trail of blue.

      It was simply amazing and my second shooting star or whatever it is lol.

  6. Sun 23 August 2009 – approx 2130hrs – Warrington, Cheshire, England.

    Orange flickering sphere object sighted moving from South to North on a constant heading for approx 8 seconds before disapearing. Unknown object.

  7. yeah august 24th from northeast ohio I saw a bright green meteor that exploded and was probably over Canada. Probably the same thing you saw Lou-Anne. It was close to the horizon in the constellation Perseus

  8. Lat night my Husband saw a bright white spider like light in the sky. While watching it for a while it started zigzagging all over the place, in all directions. He recorded it on my camera and it is the strangest thing. Have no clue what it was.

    1. Heather, Looking east from Trenton NJ, I saw the same thing on Aug 31 and Sept 1. It was in the eastern sky

  9. On august 29th at 1:40am I saw a green meteor shoot past my car in mississippi. it was the wierdiest thing ive ever seen. it lit up the entire sky green before disappearing over the tree line. It was the most amazing lime green meteor ive ever seen!

  10. tonight (8/31/2009) a few of us saw a star with rings around it. Not rings around the center like Saturn, but multiple rings all around it. I for some reason had thought it was Jupiter, but it was in the western sky just above the horizon a little bit after dark. I have searched high and low for a couple of hours and cannot pin point what it was.

  11. Can’t wait to see whats in store for next month!!!!……….I’ll have to look on here, to see what is a good night for sitting in the hot tub watching the sky.

    The people that said you saw a GREEN meteor, are you using a telescope, to be able to see color? All I see pretty much is white!

  12. Heather, did you download your video………Could you send me a copy………that would be interesting to see.

  13. HI, My son and I saw green “fireballs” ?? in the Eastern sky the last several nights. How can they be GREEN. I thought they were suppose to be white. And they were big!

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