August 26-31 Meteors

It’s been awhile since I posted. With little fanfare, this post closes out my August (post-Perseids) meteor data.

The highlight of the week was a long-lasting, slow Sporadic with a nice flash at the end. The meteor was seen over Tucson on August 26 at 04:54 UT (9:54 pm local time).

Obs Date(UT)     Time    TOT SPO ANT SDA KCG ORI Oth
SAL 2017-08-31  00h 00m   
SAL 2017-08-30  09h 25m   9   7   1   0   0   1   0
SAL 2017-08-29  07h 40m   23  19  1   1   0   1   0
SAL 2017-08-28  08h 02m   12  11  0   0   0   1   0
SAL 2017-08-27  08h 14m   14  11  0   1   0   1   1
SAL 2017-08-26  08h 40m   14  11  3   0   0   0   0

SAL - SALSA3 camera in Tucson (Carl Hergenrother)
VIS - Visual observations from Tucson (Carl Hergenrother)
Time - Total amount of time each camera looked for meteors 
TOT - Total number of meteors detected
SPO - Sporadics (meteors not affiliated with any particular meteor shower)
ANT - Antihelions
SDA - Southern delta Aquariids
KCG - kappa Cygnids
ORI - Orionids
Oth - other minor showers